Are you ready to ‘scratch that itch’...and Start-Up?

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

It’s been a long time you’ve had this itch….

You know what I’m talking about? That itch you’ve had for weeks, months, years…

The one that just won’t go away…

The one about that BIG IDEA…

The one that could get you out of the rat race…

The one that would put money in your pocket…

Joy in your heart…

A sense of achievement…

No more…working for ‘the man’…

You are the ‘MAN’ now!


I’m there to…

Since 2017 I have realised that it’s time to go ‘a different path’ and SCRATCH MY OWN ITCH! It’s now 2025…yup…really. It’s taken me that long…

I have started to realise I see the world differently…I guess I always have. I’m just listening more now. I have a good job, I’ve had a couple of decent businesses in the past, across four different sectors.

A week doesn’t go by that I don’t have a new business idea but the reason I’m writing this now…is because I’m massively UNFULFILLED!

I know I can help A LOT OF PEOPLE with my skills and knowledge of business, launching and start-ups!


The thing is…for me…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

….Its time to create ‘my life’s work’….

I know you hear me….it’s ENOUGH FOR YOU TOO!!

No more:

  • apathy

  • what-ifs

  • no more waiting for the cavalry

  • the pay raise

  • the lottery win

  • …no…to hell with that!

We are a day older than we were yesterday…we ain’t getting any younger…it STOPS NOW!!


YOU (Reading this right now) and I


Together, The Startup Chief and you…yes YOU…are going to make a conscious decision to FINALLY…Start that business idea!

Please join me on this journey by hitting follow……

Till next time…WE ARE DIFFERENT

About The Startup Chief

The Startup Chief has been supporting, advising and mentoring start-ups to launch their business for over two decades! With over 500 start-up entrepreneurs trained or mentored to launch, we have some real-world experience in the do’s and don’ts to make your idea a success!

Our aim with these writings, musings and upcoming newsletter is to help as many people as possible ‘chase their OWN dream’, start the business THEY HAVE always wanted, and find HOPE AND FULFILMENT…in making it a SUCCESS!

Stay tuned for more ‘Magic Start-Up dust’ that will make you stand out in the marketplace!

If our articles HELP YOU…please hit SUBSCRIBE and drop your email to stay informed…or leave a COMMENT BELOW. Also, if you would like me to cover a specific subject in future writings, just let me know!

The Startup Chief